Join Us At An Upcoming Open House

From JK to Grade 8 we encourage our students and your children to wildly explore and imagine. We'd love to welcome you for a tour and meet the teacher session at an upcoming Open House.

At Walden, most of our students begin at the Junior-Kindergarten level, where they benefit from early enrichment, develop a love of learning and remain with the school through to graduation.

Walden also welcomes students entering at other levels. New students are made to feel welcome immediately, are partnered with current students upon arrival, and receive additional help or tutoring as needed, to help them adjust to the Walden approach.

Students may also be accepted mid-year, as placements become available.

We’d be happy to provide you with a comprehensive information kit that will answer many of your questions about the enrolment process. Nothing, however, is better than coming to visit us so you can get a real feel for the goodness that exists within this community.

Come see how we make good people at our school.

Our balanced world class education, with a unique focus on wellness, fosters respect and harmony for self and with others; and, empowers students to imagine, explore and achieve a peaceful and sustainable future.


Walden feels like family, when you walk through the doors you cannot help but feel the nurturing environment. We are thankful for the academic and personal growth they have fostered in our son."
– Walden Parent